Friday, August 20, 2010

Day 7: August 7th, 2010

One week in. Hace una semana, I was on a plane to get here. Strange.
Fun fact: I haven't shaved in one week now. Just in case you were wondering...haha. I have showered though, thank God. Today when I did I washed away the blues and dirt. Now I feel much better. Two nights ago I began to grow sad that when I return "home" it is not actually to home. But to where I live.
For years I've rejected the fact that Utah is my home... but in the last few months I've realized (and accepted) that I have just as many roots there as I do in California. My heart divides when I think about my birth place-- the connection with the ocean-- as opposed to the water tower I love as much as one can love an object, in Utah. Next to the ocean is where my life began, though literally, but also spiritually. The ocean has its own heart, its own mind, its own spirit. Same for me.

Today we began making rosquetes at about 9:30 a.m. and we rolled that dough until 12:15. Nearly 3 hours of kneading dough, shaping them into circles and then imprinting them with corn ears. It is a tradition. Then getting the oven at the right temp with fire from wetter wood was a challenge but baking them happened no less. They're made of almost pure sugar, so of course are delicious :).

We were waiting for the bus to take us to Achuapa...
 The other day when we were there we visited a woman named Flor who is an expert acupuncturist. Not the commercialized version of it like in the States, but in the most spiritual way possible. She's done treatments for Lucy and Jim and I am interested because of my frequent side aches. It seemed that I narrowed it down to only having them when I eat too much sugar... But they occur without sugar consumption, too. So. I want to see her for a possible remedy. It won't be actual acupuncture, rather a mix or liquid for consumption. We'll see.
It is the music festival but it's all rainy and might not be enjoyable. I just want a Pepsi!

Rosquettes makin'!

The "oven" of which they burn wood inside, then use the embers to cook the rosquettes with.

Finished, tasty products!

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