Friday, August 20, 2010

Day 4: August 4th, 2010

Today I had a great class with Norma in the morning. We did more exercises and my confidence is growing. After class... I was extremely bored. I had from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. to find things to do. I studied espanol of course, and walked with Jill. It was entirely humid and hot, and my dress with an open area was not helping.
Last night I got bitten, I swear, 50 times. I was concerned that there were bugs in my bed but Lucy and Diego didn't find anything when they shook everything out for me. My bad. I think I left my mosquito net open just long enough for them all to creep in. I was going crazy today scratching. Still am.

At dinner with some community members we discussed how Cheme and Lizbet are involved in a co-operative much alike the Grange in Ashland. All fair trade, mostly organic. An exchange between farmers and locals. Beautiful. Coffee, mostly. Although they have developed a hibiscus wine that is absolutely delicious. Hope I get to see a final product!
Tengo sueno. Barely any sleep last night.
Tomorrow we're going to Achuapa. Excited!

Buenas noches arana
...Kill these god damned bugs for me, por favor.

p.s. I had chicken! The most local, fresh chicken ever.

Tina's "stove." Add firewood underneath, light the fire, then put pots over the holes on top for cooking.

Breakfast that morning: cafe con azucar, un plantain, y una tortilla con crema y queso

Jill with her host family's pet parrot!
Ahhhaaaarrrr Matie!

The pathway to my room

Class with Norma :]

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